Stay2uned’s Exclusive Interview with “Lucifer’s” Aimee Garcia


*Ye Be Warned: There are spoilers ahead for “Lucifer’s” sixth and final season.*

[The following transcription of this interview has been edited for quality and content.]

Stay 2uned:

What was the most memorable experience for you from the sixth and final season?

Aimee Garcia:

“One of the most memorable things? Well, I think it was watching our own team take the reins, so in different capacities, so it was fun to see D.B. direct his first episode. You know, it will be who runs our show? Direct the first, like, I think, a couple more episodes, and Kevin direct another episode. That was just, that was fun. It was really fun to have this arc for “Ella”. That was that great and unexpected, because I didn’t think we were going to get a sixth season but, you know, shot during COVID. So that has its own, you know, its own parts of challenges. But everyone, everyone did it. And I’m so proud of our crew and our cast. It was, it was important for everyone to just finish the story as a tribute to our beautiful fans.”


It was a great sixth season. I watched it three times already with my staff. It was incredible.


“Oh, wow, that’s impressive. I agree. I binged it myself till 3:30 in the morning, and I was so impressed with everyone’s performances and had, you know, my box of tissue next to me, I thought it was funny, really well written, well executed. I thought, it is one of our strong seasons to date. Which is nice to go out on top. And I agree, I’m proud of everyone.”


Did Ella know the entire time about the celestial nature of things? How did that come about?


“Well, I think [the] first trigger was probably the frog going on, and, and I think she probably just slowly but surely had her suspicions. Amenidel talking apparently to thin air. And Lucifer constantly saying he is the devil, and it just, she just starts. It’s like, you know, one thing kind of led to another. And, you know, was mentioned in the previous call with like, one thread from sweater. And then the whole thing just unravels for her. So, yeah, she’s smart enough to realize that Lucifer isn’t just an unemployed actor. But she is smart. And so, for her, I feel like she has just one clue. It’s game over. I mean, even I think she probably wanted to believe everyone, and everyone was just telling her – no one told her. Except for Lucifer, he never lies. But yeah, with her, you know, she’s like a dog with a bone. That one analysis back and she talks to Amenidel, and you know, she mentions all those things happening around the world like a river of blood and the stock things and all these things that that don’t add up. She just goes into full forensic science mode and then you know, solves the greatest case of her life.”


When did you learn that Ella knew?


 “I personally learned at the beginning of the season, so they always tell us what our arc is going to be. And I was really excited about it.”


Awesome. What was the most emotionally challenging episode to film this past season?


“I would say D.B.’s episode, “Save the Devil, Save the World.” Who by the way crushed it. Like I told him this when I worked with him- that I think I did some of my best performances with him directing me. So, I just really trusted him and, and I, I love that episode, and it was challenging for a few reasons. I think we shot the whole episode in one location. So, you know, I don’t think there was any outside cast in that episode. There’s no like, dead body in that episode. It’s just like a play. So, I think challenging because it was an episode unlike any other episode we’ve done.”


Were you satisfied with how Lucifer ended?


“Absolutely. There’s not a thing I would change. I think it was a beautiful ending. Organic, well thought out. You know, heartbreaking, bittersweet. Romantic, just inspiring. And just beautiful. There’s not a thing I would change.”


It was really amazing!


“I hope so. I mean, this season, I think it’s important for fans to know is for them. You know, I mean, the season is a love letter to the fans, tribute to the fans as a thank you to the fans. And it’s an appreciation season for the fans. It’s a victory lap, you know, for the fans. And what they’ve accomplished. I mean, who resurrects a show from every corner of the world.

And, and, and that’s just so beautiful. You know, Brazil, India, Europe, Australia, all parts of the US, all genders, all ethnicities, all sexual orientations, all ages. Like, it’s just, I am so proud of the story and the show that that has brought people together. I think that we need more of that. Right now. We need things that bring people together. And I think when you have complex characters, everyone relates to one of them right? You might really see yourself in Maze’s struggle or you might really see yourself in your relationship with your dad might remind you of Lucifer’s relationship with his dad. You know, unrequited love might remind you of Deckerstar.

 I mean, it’s so human. I think it resonates globally and it’s a really special show. It’s just magical for so many reasons like getting canceled, getting resurrected, having the fans fight for us and then showing up and then a global pandemic and then you know, getting the work done and then starting the journey. It was just it was like its own story. And the fans hung in there with us for the whole thing. I mean, I think people started wanting more of Ella. She is like an extension, in a way, of the fans and they were writing more for her because the fans are like, “she’s us”. So, yeah, I would say this- the fans are you know, they’re like our eighth series regular. They’re just as much a part of this.”


Speaking of the fans, Aimee. Is there anything you would like to say to the Lucifans?


“Aww, just thank you a million times over, in every single language and I really cannot thank you enough for this magical experience. And embracing ‘Ella”, I mean she came in at season two, it’s like being the new kid in school and the fans are like, “sit at this table with us.”  So, I just want to tell them that I appreciate them and that I thank them from the bottom of my heart. They, you know, they tug at my heartstrings. They cosplay “Ella” and they bring homemade dolls of her, and they wear her vampire sucks shirt or her, ‘Every now and then I fall apart taco” t-shirt and you know say that they were very inspired to start science.

You know because of Ella. Know that they just, I don’t know if I can express just how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be not only part of the show but bring Ella to life. I mean, I’ve been in the industry for a long time, and I’ve done all sorts of shows, like Supernatural and, and I feel like there’s something really, really, really special about this show. And we all, we all got through it together, and it’s something that I will always hold in my heart.

And, you know, the other day I was walking down the street and someone said, “Hey, Ella!”, and I waved and you know, I was in a moving car so, I couldn’t stop. Like, you know, I feel like I have a family and a group of people, and I love. I love how kind they are for each other. I think it’s important. Like, I see people become friends in line, and they’re like, waiting to take a picture, you know, with me and Kevin or whatever. And it’s just like people that were just in front of each other in line and that becoming BFFs and then we’ll see in the next con. And so I just really want to say like I’m proud of the classiness and the open heartedness. And the beautifulness, I just made that word, of this Lucifer fan base, their passion, is so inspiring. So, you know, I just hope to continue my journey as a writer and creator in this space, in the genre space I love so much and I really hope you know, to create and bring them a show or a movie. You know, one day that that resonates. You know, in the way that this special show does.”

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